
Monday, August 18, 2008

Right of Passage: Kindergarten!

Alexander and I spent the day getting ready for his new venture into Kindergarten on Wednesday. He had an appointment with his pediatrician and received 4 (YIKES)- yes 4 vaccines. The kids doctor rather smugly asked me what I wanted to do about the vaccines (which she always does with Andrew because he is on the alternate schedule) for Alexander. Of course, if he is going to kindergarten at a public Virginia school he would need them all. At least we laughed about it. Alexander took it very well- only saying "Ouch" after each prick of the needle. The only time he cried today was when I told him that I was NOT going to call the cable company and tell them that we wanted to get Nickelodeon at our house!
Mom and Dad got back from Kentucky and my brother's house today. They arrived early so we weren't here when they got to our house. We had gone to the church to drop off some cookies for the blood drive today. We ate some dinner and visited a bit before Alexander and I ventured off to his new elementary school to meet his teacher and check out the school. Alexander just happened to wear his Moscow shirt his daddy brought him from Russia last year. His teacher noticed it right away and spoke some Russian to him. I was very, very pleased about this- let me tell you!!! It might be a good year after all! His teacher was really nice and definitely loves kids! I think this whole school thing is going to take a little while for all of us to get used to. We'll do it, though. We'll make it through. He seems perfectly at ease and hasnt really said anything about being scared, nervous or anything. I think he will LOVE it.


Dianna said...

That is so awesome. Alexander is such an awesome kid and I hope/think he'll do wonderfully! It's amazing that his teacher speaks Russian. What a lucky coincidence!

dubby said...

Wow! What a great kid and he will have a super year.

The Iowa Ross Family said...

Yeah for Alexander! Enjoy kindergarten all you can!!

Jen said...

Cool Beans! I remember those days, I think he will be a good exampl for the kids in his class. The teacher will be lucky to have him!

dubby said...

Today is Wednesday. I'm sure Alexander is fine. Are you???