Before supper...
Bring it on!
Bring it on!
Cupcake time!
FAVORITE word: "MAmA" and "ByeBYe"
Best TRICK: "Mmmmmmmmm" Kiss- I think Mommy VOTEd for this one!
BeST feature: My big, BRowN EYES
Favorite NAUGHTY trick: Throwing things off HIGH places- like the HIgh chaIR and grOCerY cart.
SeCOND favorite NauGHty Trick: Playing the Organ at CHurch- doesn't anyONe get that I'M a ToTal prodigy?
MoST favorite FOOD: Today it was LASAGNA
wHat MakeS me CRY: Fear of NoT beinG WITH my MommY!
What MAKEs me LAUGH: AleXAndeR and MaGgIE being SiLLy, or SOmeonE Else laughing- IT's ContaGious Ya KNow!
WHAT wakes me UP at NIGHT: My Blooming TEETH and my cold- someTIMES I just Miss My MOMMY.
Where I'm TICKish: Under my ARMS and around My RIBS!
FaVORITE TOY: MatchBox cars- I espECIALLy like AlexANDer's CARS ones.
How I GET Where I'm GOING: MostLY by Crawling, but more FrequentlY BY WALKing!
MoMMY's FAVORITE BRAG on ME: "BEST, SWEETest Baby in the WHole Wide WOrld!"
I love you, Andrew!
Best TRICK: "Mmmmmmmmm" Kiss- I think Mommy VOTEd for this one!
BeST feature: My big, BRowN EYES
Favorite NAUGHTY trick: Throwing things off HIGH places- like the HIgh chaIR and grOCerY cart.
SeCOND favorite NauGHty Trick: Playing the Organ at CHurch- doesn't anyONe get that I'M a ToTal prodigy?
MoST favorite FOOD: Today it was LASAGNA
wHat MakeS me CRY: Fear of NoT beinG WITH my MommY!
What MAKEs me LAUGH: AleXAndeR and MaGgIE being SiLLy, or SOmeonE Else laughing- IT's ContaGious Ya KNow!
WHAT wakes me UP at NIGHT: My Blooming TEETH and my cold- someTIMES I just Miss My MOMMY.
Where I'm TICKish: Under my ARMS and around My RIBS!
FaVORITE TOY: MatchBox cars- I espECIALLy like AlexANDer's CARS ones.
How I GET Where I'm GOING: MostLY by Crawling, but more FrequentlY BY WALKing!
MoMMY's FAVORITE BRAG on ME: "BEST, SWEETest Baby in the WHole Wide WOrld!"
I love you, Andrew!