
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday, Andrew!

My baby is one! What a special day.

Before supper...
Bring it on!

Cupcake time!

After supper and cupcake time:
Happiness is a sugar rush!

FAVORITE word: "MAmA" and "ByeBYe"

Best TRICK: "Mmmmmmmmm" Kiss- I think Mommy VOTEd for this one!

BeST feature: My big, BRowN EYES

Favorite NAUGHTY trick: Throwing things off HIGH places- like the HIgh chaIR and grOCerY cart.

SeCOND favorite NauGHty Trick: Playing the Organ at CHurch- doesn't anyONe get that I'M a ToTal prodigy?

MoST favorite FOOD: Today it was LASAGNA

wHat MakeS me CRY: Fear of NoT beinG WITH my MommY!

What MAKEs me LAUGH: AleXAndeR and MaGgIE being SiLLy, or SOmeonE Else laughing- IT's ContaGious Ya KNow!

WHAT wakes me UP at NIGHT: My Blooming TEETH and my cold- someTIMES I just Miss My MOMMY.

Where I'm TICKish: Under my ARMS and around My RIBS!

FaVORITE TOY: MatchBox cars- I espECIALLy like AlexANDer's CARS ones.

How I GET Where I'm GOING: MostLY by Crawling, but more FrequentlY BY WALKing!

MoMMY's FAVORITE BRAG on ME: "BEST, SWEETest Baby in the WHole Wide WOrld!"
I love you, Andrew!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sarah Palin is a likeable person...

Sarah Palin is a likeable person- she's hip, has cool glasses, hunts and fishes, skins wild animals she's killed with her own gun (Ew!), has 5 good-looking kids, a good-looking husband and is a pretty lady herself. She's a supermom, holding a high-powered government position with a nice paycheck, meanwhile trying to balance the rigors of motherhood, raising her children, the youngest with Downs Syndrome.

Do American voters even care where she stands on issues that affect our nation? Do we care that she could be "one heartbeat" away from being the President of the United States? This likeable, well spoken woman who has been to 4 countries outside the US and never even had a passport until 2006? Do we care that she is pro-life but supports the (Holy) war in Iraq and is vague on what she would do about Russia and Georgia? Maybe it's just me but isn't killing, killing? And I have already voiced my opinion about the family thing to so many people. YES! Women are strong and smart and have so many talents, and can do ANYTHING! I truly believe that. But I have to wonder why our families are falling apart, why our children are not being taught morals at home (much less their ABCs), why childhood obesity is an epidemic, and why television plays such an important part of our "social" lives.

OK- I'm not mad at Sarah Palin and am truly not against her, although would never vote for her- I'm mad-well mad is kind of a harsh word- irritated maybe-that the fabulous, educated, talented women in our country are not choosing to raise our children, the next generation; they are choosing to WORK outside the home and let SOMEONE ELSE raise their children. Now, now simmer down. I know everyone has their own situation. I have mine, others have to work because there is no one else to work or no one else will work, etc. But seriously, do we think that we need to work in some great or not-so-great job, have a career, earn a ton of money because we have an education? Do we not have secure enough self esteems from being SAHMs? Do we really think that we become brain-dead as mothers who don't venture outside to the workplace?
And really, even if we do have to work, do we really need to work at a pace that keeps us up all hours of the day and night? Do we need to be that star on the top of the corporate ladder? Do we really need to be a governor? No- that's not good enough. Let's go for VP of the US.

Who is raising our children?

We need strong, smart, educated, talented, fabulous mothers to raise this generation of children. They already know more about computers at five than most adults know. They are amazing children and are absolute sponges. They will learn what is put in front of them- good or bad. What a waste that some aren't learning very many good things. The temptations, challenges and evils that they will encounter in their lifetimes are too great for me to even fathom.
I know, everyone is shaking their heads at me, ME, giving an insight into my very conservative views- evidently even more conservative than Ms. Palin. No, I'm not voting for the Repubs because I think Ms. Palin should be at home. That's a personal opinion and a personal choice for her. It's not because I dont like her hairdo or because she hunts (yuck)! It's because of some of her views and her lack of experience.

Here are a list of the main issues and where she stands on them and you can decide for yourself whether she is your VP candidate. Just remember that she is only the Repub Vice Presidential candidate (but a heart beat away...) and be an INFORMED VOTER.