
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More Vaccinations

I have been remiss in getting Andrew to the MD to get his regular checkups and vaccines. I missed the 12 month visit. He went today and in 3 days he will be 16 months! It doesnt help that we are on the Bob Sears Alternative Vaccine Schedule and only get 2 shots per visit. Now we are WAAAY behind. Of course this is okay with me. I detest what the pharmaceutical companies put in vaccines. I dont care that vaccines arent a big money maker with these companies. Ethically and morally they should avoid these terrible chemicals that fill up the vials our children's shots come out of. Today I chose the Prevnar against the Pnuemococcal virus and the DTaP (Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis). They are both inactive vaccinations but they both contain aluminum. If you havent read one of my past entries on vaccines, this metal is toxic esp to the brain. The DTaP vaccine also contains mercury (poison is you ask me) and fourmaldehyde (yes the stuff that preserved the dead kitties in biology class).

I have to say that I have learned a lot in the years that I have had children. Poor Alexander was the guinea pig I suppose. I didnt know much and therefore, he got all the shots in the order the American Academy of Pediatrics suggested. He probably received a dose of Tylenol before some of his shots and I just didnt think this was an option! WHAT WAS I THINKING????

There are a couple of reasons why I dont give Tylenol to Andrew before his shots. The first is that it can mask a possible reaction to the vaccine. I would prefer to know soon after he gets the shot if he is going to have a reaction than 3-4 hours later when the Tylenol wears off. The second reason is because Tylenol itself has "toxins" in it that have to be "detoxified" by the liver. In combination with all of the toxins the vaccines contain, a little body can be overwhelmed and not be able to clear these unwanted chemicals out of the system. So unless it is extremely necessary and Andrew is very uncomfortable, I dont give analgesics before or after.

Just as an FYI, you can give large doses of Vit A and C several days before your child receives his/her vaccines, feed them an organic diet, and push more fruits and veggies and vitamins to help your child cope with the ingredients of these vaccines.

I am not opposed to vaccines. In general they are good. I am against not vaccinating because of the risk it poses to the innocent. I dont know the details of this story but here is the jist of it: A family in the midwest a few years ago went on a trip to Europe and were exposed to the Measles virus. Upon returning they got together with their community home school co-op where many of the children were un-vaccinated. An outbreak of measles occurred and many were very sick. At least one of the children died. While measles is a not very common in America, it is in EVERY community and pediatricians have seen the most horrific cases of it which are branded in their minds, forcing them to plead with those of us who want to delay the vaccine a little while. Andrew's pediatrician would laugh at me right now because of the conversation we had today. Anyway, I know I have written this before, but just be educated about this stuff. Because I know I wasnt for a while and I wish I had been. Happy vaccinating!