
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Alternative Vaccine Schedule

So I am one of those Moms who grits her teeth when I have to take my baby in for his "shots". After researching what goes into these vaccines we give our newly hatched babies, it almost makes me say "no way". However, they do work and I certainly have to weigh the benefit/risk ratio. Did you know that they put fuormaldehyde and aluminum in some vaccines that are routinely given to children? Some doctors dont even know what goes into these vaccines they prescribe for their little patients! Ignorance is bliss but at least one should be aware of the fact that there are things in these vaccines that could affect our babies adversely. I really like the Sears Family website. One of the Dr Sears' came up with an alternative vaccine schedule that my pediatrician at Harrisonburg Pediatrics is okay with. She has no problem with what I want but does make suggestions about what is going around and what Andrew should receive at certain times. At 2 months he received the DTaP and Prevnar and then at 4 months he received the DTap again and Hib (she didnt want him to go through the winter without this one). So On Wednesday we head to the MD again for more shots. On the plan he will receive Hib and Prevnar. This way he only receives one aluminum-containing vaccine and one live virus vaccine. Aluminum is toxic to the brain! By only giving 2 at a time, the baby is more able to detoxify the vaccines and there are less side effects. Also, since I am breastfeeding, I take in more vitamins and minerals prior to vaccine time. Particularly important are Vit A,C and Omega 3.

Here is the link to the alternative vaccine schedule. It is also in the vaccine book posted on my book shelf.

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