
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thanks, Ladies!

My friends have definitely rescued me from becoming catatonic this week since Maggie and Alexander left on their vacation with their Daddy. I actually enjoyed the week! Besides everyone coming over on Thursday night to see the movie, Jennie L., Shawna, me and our kids (sans A+M) when to the Harrisonburg Mall friday night to do some shopping for- none other but-ourselves!!! Imagine that! Are we brave or what? Jennie and I got some adorable heels to wear (yes, the very same ones) and Shawna bought a very nice dress. We all sported our new duds today at church. It was funny how many people noticed our shoes and asked if we really were wearing the same shoe! People really do check out others' feet dont they?? Well, they are just the cutest shoes and we got them for quite a deal! I can't speak for Jennie but I didnt mind at all that we were wearing the same shoes! I just thought we could both say we had good taste! OK- this is fluff writing. If you are still reading this, you are probably bored by now. Fluff stuff is basically for me.
Speaking of fluff, I just cant put down the Twilight series. Unfortunately for me I only have Eclipse and Breaking Dawn so I have to read them over and over again. Not a bad thing, but every once in a while I want to reread Twilight again, and some parts of New Moon. I just can't decide which one is my favorite. I am also reading Eat, Pray, Love and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Strange how both the titles are 3 words. Is there a name for that? Besides coincidence. It's kinda like when I was reading 3 books that were all green. All the twilight books are black.
I think I will end my fluff entry with some pictures that I took of Alexander when I first got my new camera. He was an awesome subject- posing and everything for me! I just wish his shirt had been clean....

1 comment:

SumGreater said...

I don't care that our shoes were identical...we're both smart, stylish ladies. What can we say? It would have been rad if we had the same nail polish on. I was surprised how many people noticed, too. They are cute shoes, though.

It reminds me of college, when you could go down the hall and borrow clothes from different girls and they'd come take a look at your closet, too. Fun girl stuff.

Maybe we should have a clothing exchange sometime...where everybody brings stuff that is in good condition, but they're sick of, or just don't ever wear and we could swap things around...or even just help each other figure out outfits from the clothes we have that don't seem to go together. I got that idea from one of my "What Not To Wear" books. =) What do you think?

I definitely think we should have another mall excursion sometime soon...maybe without so many kids. The big ones are tough!