
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post election words

History was made last night! I'm glad that we have a new President elect! I hope that he does well for our country. I feel that he has sparked a fresh, new energy in Americans that we didnt have before with Bush's downward spiraling policies. People want to do good for our country and are excited about our future!
I'm sorry for those that wanted McCain to win. I remember being extremely upset in 2000 when Bush won over Gore. I felt that Bush was an idiot and would ruin our country. I was pretty close to right! However, the Church has told us to support our leaders, whoever they might be. And on that note, I say, the election is over! Why am I still getting emails about how bad Obama is? And I have received more than one! I realize this has been a heated election, but geez! It's over! I'm not sure what's true or not but I certainly dont need the stress of thinking we as a country made a horrible decision!
I may seem like I was totally gung ho Obama but I really would have been okay with the GOP being re-elected. The majority rules and if most Americans wanted them to win, I would have been okay with it. I'll admit I'm not always right, if I'm ever right, but I tried to educate myself about the issues that were important to me and pick the person who I felt would be the best on those issues. I hope I'm not wrong, but I might be. Who knows? Everyone thinks their party is right. Im not a Democrat but I picked Obama because I didnt think McCain had a plan any better than Bush did. I'm just thinking right now we need to drop the criticisms and try a little acceptance, and be a little less partisan as a people. Because that's what we expect out of our government. If we sit back and do nothing and expect our new President to fail, he will. If we give him our support and do what we can to make our country a better place to live and raise our children, he may not. We have to at least try!


dubby said...

I agree with you. McCain wouldn't do better than Bush, because Bush sold out on the same issues that McCain would sell out on, like the bailout and illegals. You can tell your conservative friends that their time to mourn was when McCain got the nomination, and they have to agree that he wasn't really a conservative anyway. Would they rather have him run the country like Bush, giving their party a bad name by caving on all the issues?

I hope this comment is appropriate, but you can delete it without hard feelings if it's not.

I apologize for all who went over the line, but it has been a tough election, with a lot of things NOT being said by the media that should, which is why people tried to take it into their own hands to get the information out. Forgive them. Tell them, if they are right, that this nation has muddled through before and they can clean it up in 2-4 years.

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

I agree with you, it's over. Let's give it a rest. Let's do the best with whoever's been elected. I remember in Harrisonburg, a fellow named Bill Taylor tried to start a post-election debate by saying that figured I hadn't supported a certain presidential candidate who had won. I replied, "I didn't vote for (that person), but now that he's my nation's President, I support him 100%." That ended the debate before it started. And that's how I feel now. It is our duty to support our leaders. Badmouthing them is not an option if you believe in the teachings of the church. (And I sure wish the press felt that way!)

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comments! It's always nice to hear that I'm not completely out of line!

dubby said...

There is a Texaco on Richmond Avenue near Statler Boulevard that advertises he won't get ethanol in his gas until he is made to do so. I get more than 20% better mileage and would love to have other people check out if they get better mileage as well. I also find a lot of Exxons don't have ethanol. Sheets and BPs DO have ethanol, but I don't know of any chain as a whole that doesn't. Last I checked, Taylors grocery in Fort Defiance doesn't have ethanol. If they have ethanol, the pump MUST by law have a sign saying it is there.

SumGreater said...

You're so patriotic. =) And my money's on you being right most of the time. I'll miss talking politics with you, but I'm sure we'll make do. I'm sorry to sound like a 4th grader, but I'm glad you're my friend. I think you're pretty great.

Mother 25 - 8 said...

Lori, LOVE reading your political views. I actually have a little column in the NewsLeader that, during the elections, was anti-Obama. Now that he's won, I'm of the mind set, and I even wrote this in the column, that even though the guy I didn't want as president won, it's time to support him and give him a chance to be one of the greatest presidents in American history (he can be in that now is quite an interesting time.) I really do trust majority voting and have faith that Americans made the right decision.

Wasn't too crazy about McCain myself, I did like Palin, didn't like that Obama had such "interesting friends" and I couldn't believe our "electing pool" when it came down to it, not really happy with ANY of the candidates, but there's absolutely NOTHING to do now but simply support the president and get on with life.

So you liked Gore? I'd like to hear why. Did you like Kerry? If so, I'd also be interested in knowing why. I personally really like Bush. My feelings on the whole thing was he had a lot on his plate, domino effect from the Clinton years,

If Gore or Kerry were in his place, I think there would have been more 9-11 type attacks, lots of liberal agendas in place ie abortion/gay marriage etc. I think stem cell research would have passed well beyond boundaries, etc. I think Bush did a great job with what he had on his plate.

I've noticed that media is already starting to needle Obama. To be honest, I'm ignoring it. I'm giving Obama a chance. He does seem to have a SINCERE desire to help the country. I hate the media.

Anyways, I LOVE your political views because it does help me understand better the views of people not happy with Bush. Most of the time I can't talk to anti-Bush people cuz they're just angry and spit emotion. I need someone who can intelligently educate me on things I don't agree with so I can see it from their side. You do this.

And the kids are making it very clear that they want to go to sleep!